From noise to insight with organizational understanding, advanced audit techniques, and technology.

Performance Audits
Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS - Yellow Book), Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) standards, and International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF).
Special Studies
Gain insights into complex public policy issues in your community.
Advanced Analytics
From digging through paper files, data analysis, and surveys, to machine learning models. The right tools to answer difficult questions.
Make Meaning Out of Mess
Accountability and Assurance
Sometimes key insights are hidden in paper logs and notes. From staff's prior management audit of a county sheriff’s custody operations, problems with scheduling were uncovered in a binder and analyzed digitally when paired with other records.
Insight From Disparate Sources
Comprehensive Understanding
Staff's prior analysis of a county's building portfolio was the organization's first comprehensive understanding of its multi-billion dollar real estate assets. It blended several data sources including financial (SAP), human resources (People Soft), multiple infrastructure maintenance systems, geospatial data, and more.

Use Neglected Data to Improve Accountability and Safety
Safety, Efficiency, and Sustainability
Staff prior work included an analysis of San Francisco's vehicle fleet telematics system. Showed usage trends that were previously unreported and made recommendations to improve safety, decrease costs, and lower vehicle emissions.
Build Trust With Transparency
Financial and Budget Analysis
Financial analysis dashboard for the Los Osos Community Services District. Allows for high-level and detailed analysis to monitor financial trends over time by staff, elected official and the public.

Recent Clients

Our Team

Julian Metcalf, MPA, CIA, CFE
Mr. Metcalf has served the San Francisco Budget and Legislative Analyst Office, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority, and the Santa Clara County Management Audit Division. He was a lead analyst at Moody's Investors Service and has led numerous audits and studies for local governments. He brings a keen focus on enhancing transparency, effectiveness, and financial clarity in the public sector.

Ofu D. Iyok-Nfonsam, MBA, CPA
Ms. Iyok-Nfonsam is a licensed CPA with over 18 years of experience in compliance, performance, and management audits across diverse sectors. She is recognized for her expertise in Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (J-SOX) compliance. Ms. Iyok-Nfonsam has led significant projects for large companies, enhancing internal controls and risk management. At GPP Analytics, she continues to deliver audit services for government entities, including counties, cities, and other governmental agencies.

Eric Spivak, MPA, CIA, CGAP, CRMA
Mr. Spivak has 30 years of experience serving state and local governments with comprehensive expertise in compliance audits, performance audits, program audits, management audits, and special studies for government entities. With vast experience in the public sector, local government management, consulting, training, and analytical roles, he has led significant projects for counties, cities, and other governmental agencies.Text
Recent Publications
GPP is quoted in the Government Finance Review (page 61)
Lessons Learned Integrating Interactive Dashboards into the Audit Process
Dispelling the Myth: Achieving Speed and Compliance in Local Government Internal Service Functions
Vehicle Telematics for Audits and Controls (ALGA Webinar)
Start with Communication: Solutions for Internal Service Functions
See Selected Project List
From GPP Staff
Contact Us
Julian Metcalf(805) 242-2071
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Selected Projects From Staffs' Experience
Finance and Government Operations
Analysis of Financial Condition and Budgeting Practices, City of Phoenix
Annual Review of the County Executive's Proposed $11.5 Billion Budget, Santa Clara County
Annual Review of the Mayor's Proposed $13 Billion Budget, City and County of San Francisco
Assessed the Financial and Economic Condition, Governance, and Debt Portfolio of Hundreds of Cities, Counties, School Districts, and Enterprise Districts Across the Western States, Moody's Investors Service
Audit of the Tax and Fee Collection Processes and Information Sharing, City of Los Angeles
Management Audit of Procurement Processes, Santa Clara County
Management Audit of the Claims Unit, City of Los Angeles
Management Audit of the Information Services Department, Santa Clara County
Monitoring and Analysis of a $43 Billion Portfolio of Local Government Bond Ratings, Moody's Investors Service
Special Study and Analysis of Small Business Displacement, City and County of San Francisco
Public Safety and Justice
Audit of the Implementation of Recommendations for Custody Improvement, Santa Clara County
Management Audit of the Juvenile Probation William F. James Ranch Facility, Santa Clara County
Management Audit of the Los Altos Hills County Fire District, Santa Clara County
Management Audit of the Sheriff's Custody Bureau, Santa Clara County
Building, Planning, Public Works, and Transportation
Performance Audit Evaluating the Assessment and Collection of Wastewater Fees, Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District
Policy Analysis of Construction Noticing, City and County of San Francisco
Policy Analysis of Public Art Programs, City and County of San Francisco
Policy Analysis of Vehicle Telematics for City Vehicles, City and County of San Francisco
Policy Analysis of Vehicle Telematics for City Vehicles Update, City and County of San Francisco
Special Study of Santa Clara County Property Owned and Leased by the General Fund and Roads and Airports Departments, Santa Clara County
Health and Social Services
Management Audit of the In-Home Supportive Services Program, Santa Clara County
Management Audit of Valley Health Plan, Santa Clara County
Special Study of In-Home Care for Seniors, City and County of San Francisco
Litigation Support/Expert Witness
Analysis of Financial Condition, Financial and Economic Resiliency, Capital Planning, and Budgeting Practices, City of San Luis Obispo
Analysis of Financial Condition and Budgeting Practices, City of Phoenix
Analysis of Financial Condition and Budgeting Practices, County of San Luis Obispo
Technology and Geospatial
Digitized Accounts Payable Processes, Los Osos Community Services District
Financial and Budget Monitoring Dashboard Tool, Los Osos Community Services District
Information Technology Service Catalog, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
Interactive Dashboard and Map of City-Owned Vehicle Use, Telematics, and Safety Violation Information, City and County of San Francisco
Interactive Dashboard and Map of Public Art Programs, City and County of San Francisco
Interactive Dashboard of Annual Countywide Risk Assessment, Santa Clara County
Interactive Dashboard of Construction Noticing Requirements, City and County of San Francisco
Interactive Dashboard of County Prison Occupancy and Staffing Trends, Santa Clara County